2010年1月14日 星期四

How's the Difference Between Texas and My Imprint Image of USA

☆ 跪婦前言:

看到老爺的文章就知道 跪婦 又在偷懶了!
這篇文章是老爺在 休士頓 生活三個月後(上個月就寫好了) " 自個兒 " 的領受,
但他卻很樂意且 迫不及待 (不斷催促 PO 稿)的想和跪婦的格友們分享喔!

跪婦說:何不換個念頭,就當作是看 " 大家說英文 " 嘛!還免錢的咧!
老爺說:有美國時間的話,在 從善如流 寫中文好了!
(老爺要 跪婦 在此特別聲明:不是他英文特好,而是中打速度實在是太慢了,所以 ------ !)

1. Southern Hospitality

The Texans are noted for their hospitality. The next day when I came to Texas, I was surprised that everyone I met is so kind and friendly. When we drove out of the garage, our neighbors gave us a wave and said Hi to us. People walking on the sidewalk either on exercise or just pass-by, they smiled to me on the way to the bus stop. When I went into the hallway of THI, employees with typical purple shirt smiled, too. In the elevator to my Lab, people always say "How are you doing?" or "How's going" uppon comming in. At the international affair office, the lady repeatedly told me to be sure to call her if I got something I don't know and I want to know. At the Brasewood branch of Bank of America, the clerk typed every words on the computer for my new application and I only signed at the end. When I talked to Diana who is the chief secretary of our department, she told me: it's called "southern hospitality", Ryan.

2. Happy Texans

Chief Executive magazine, to take just one example, has ranked California the very worst state to do business in for each of the past four years.By contrast, Texas was the best state in that poll. It has coped well with the recession, with an unemployment rate two points below the national average and one of the lowest rates of housing repossession. In part this is because Texan banks, hard hit in the last property bust, did not overexpand this time. But as our special report this week explains, Texas also clearly offers a different model, based on small government. It has no state capital-gains or income tax, and a business-friendly and immigrant-tolerant attitude. It is home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state—64 compared with California's 51 and New York's 56.
(By The Economist print edition Published: July 20, 2009 )

3. Typical Houstonian Drivers

a) Always stop in front of "STOP" sign. This makes me recall the way we drive in Taiwan, that is, totaly in reverse.

b) Pass through a broken (out of order) traffic light one by one without any jam or blocking of the crossroad. This too makes me recall the way we drive in Taiwan, that is, totaly in reverse.

c) Drive very friendly on local roads but drive very fast on highways. I think that is due to the short distance between exits and multilane crossing.

d) According to the radio broadcasting of Houston (SUNNY 99.1), more than 70% of drivers DONOT show turnning lights on right- or left-turns. The only way to cope with is to get use of that.

4. BIG is Beauty

"Nothing in Texas is small, even the parking lot are the same as the sea". It is the second largest state in land mass and the third largest in population. It occupies approximately seven percent of the total land and water areas of the United States. Now, that is a mighty big. You can look at the statistics:

l Land Area - 262,017 miles
l Water Area - 4,790 square miles of inland water
l Coast Line - 367 miles
l Longest point from north to south - 801 miles
l Widest point from east to west - 733 miles
l Geographic center - Northern part of McCulloch County, about 15 miles northeast of Brady.
l Highest Elevation - Guadalupe Peak at 8,749 feet
l Lowest elevation - sea level along the Gulf Coast
l Road miles - 305,951 (most of ANY state)
{Quoted from:}

Most of the time, we can't finish one box dinner because of "too much" and the rest of it turns into my lunch for the next day. We are also palnning to visit the famous and popular steak house "Taste of Texas" for the "32 oz Fillet mignon" in the near future. Actually, there is a 72 oz steak contest (get it free if you can finish that in one hour) called "Big Texan".

